In order of publication: 1996-2000 47. Seaton, C. L. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1996. Tissue disposition and biotransformation of naphthalene in striped bass (Morone saxatilis). Mar. Environ. Res. 42, 345348. 48. Shofer, S. L., J. A. Willis and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1996. Sublethal effects of pentachlorophenol and hypoxia on rates of arginine kinase flux in red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) as measured by 31P magnetization saturation transfer NMR. Mar. Environ. Res. 42, 363367. 49. Singer, M. M., S. George, S. Jacobson, I. Lee, L. L. Weetman, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1996. Comparison of acute aquatic effects of the oil dispersant Corexit 9500 with those of other Corexit series dispersants. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 35, 183189. 50. Singer, M. M., S. George, S. Jacobson, L. L. Weetman, G. J. Blondina, R. S. Tjeerdema, D. Aurand and M. L. Sowby, 1996. Evaluation of the aquatic effects of crude oil, dispersants, and their mixtures. In: Nineteenth Arctic Marine Oilspill Program. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 497514. 51. Singer, M. M. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1996. Effects of the water accomodated fraction of crude oil and dispersed oil on the early life stages of two marine species. In: US Coast Guard 1994 Oil Pollution Research - Part II. National Technical Information Service CG-D-27-96 (II), US Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA, pp. 223276. 52. Tjeerdema, R. S., W. S. Smith, L. B. Martello, R. J. Kauten and D. G. Crosby, 1996. Interactions of chemical and natural stresses in the abalone (Haliotis rufescens) as measured by surface-probe localized 31P NMR. Mar. Environ. Res. 42, 369374. 53. Wolfe, M. F. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1996. Influence of dispersants on petroleum bioavailability within a marine food chain. In: US Coast Guard 1994 Oil Pollution Research - Part II. National Technical Information Service CG-D-27-96 (II), US Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA, pp. 277320. 54. Blondina, G. J., M. L. Sowby, M. T. Ouano, M. M. Singer and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1997. Comparative efficacy of two Corexit dispersants as measured using Californias modified swirling flask test. In: Twentieth Arctic Marine Oilspill Program. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 561573. 55. Gala, W. R., G. A. Rausina, M. J. Ammann, E. A. Harvey, P. Y. OBrien, J. P. Suzuki, L. A. Young, J. W. Newman, M. M. Singer and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1997. Oil-specific properties summary sheets for spill response. In: 1997 International Oil Spill Conference. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 929930. 56. Singer, M. M., S. George, S. Jacobson, L. L. Weetman, G. J. Blondina, R. S. Tjeerdema, D. Aurand and M. L. Sowby, 1997. Acute aquatic effects of chemically dispersed and undispersed crude oil. In: 1997 International Oil Spill Conference. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 10201021. 57. Shofer, S. L., J. A. Willis and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1997. Effects of hypoxia and toxicant exposure on arginine kinase function as measured by 31P-NMR magnetization transfer in living abalone. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 117C, 283289. 58. Shofer, S. L., J. A. Willis and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1997. Effects of hypoxia and toxicant exposure on phosphoarginine, intracellular pH, and free Mg2+ in abalone as measured by 31P NMR. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 118A, 11831191. 59. Stephenson, M., G. Ichikawa, J. Goetzl, K. Paulson, M. Pranger, R. Fairey, S. Lamerdin, R. Tjeerdema, J. Newman, J. Becker and M. Stoelting, 1997. Distribution and concentration of selected contaminants in Monterey Bay sediments. In: Southern Monterey Bay Continental Shelf Investigations: Former Fort Ord Restricted Zone. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Publication 97-450, Washington, DC, pp. 125. 60. Wolfe, M. F., G. J. B. Schwartz, S. Singaram., E. E. Mielbrecht, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1997. Influence of dispersants on trophic transfer of petroleum in a marine food chain. In: Twentieth Arctic Marine Oilspill Program. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, pp. 12151226. 61. Wolfe, M. F., G. J. B. Schwartz, S. Singaram., E. E. Mielbrecht, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1997. Influence of dispersants on trophic transfer of petroleum hydrocarbons in a marine food chain. Spill Sci. Technol. Bull. 3/4, 255258. 62. Anderson, B. S., J. W. Hunt, B. M. Phillips, S. Tudor, R. Fairey, J. Newman, H. M. Puckett, M. Stephenson, E. R. Long and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1998. Comparison of marine sediment toxicity test protocols for the amphipod Rhepoxynius abronius and the polychaete worm Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 859866. 63. Martello, L. B., R. S. Tjeerdema, W. S. Smith, R. J. Kauten and D. G. Crosby, 1998. Influence of salinity on the actions of pentachlorophenol in Haliotis as measured by in vivo 31P NMR spectroscopy. Aquat. Toxicol. 41, 229250. 64. Shofer, S. L. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1998. Effects of hypoxia and toxicant exposure on adenylate energy charge and cytosolic ADP concentrations in abalone. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 119C, 5157. 65. Singer, M. M., S. George, S. Jacobson, I. Lee, L. L. Weetman, G. J. Blondina, R. S. Tjeerdema, D. Aurand and M. L. Sowby, 1998. Effects of dispersant treatment on the acute aquatic toxicity of petroleum hydrocarbons. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 34, 177187. 66. Tjeerdema, R. S., 1998. Using surface probe localized 31P NMR spectroscopy to understand sublethal environmental actions. In: Multiple Stresses in Ecosystems (J. J. Cech, B. W. Wilson, and D. G. Crosby, eds.), Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, pp. 155180 (invited; ISBN 1-56670-309-3). 67. Blondina, G. J., M. T. Ouano, M. S. Singer, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1998. A modified swirling flask efficacy test for oil spill dispersants. Spill Sci. Technol. Bull. 4, 177185. 68. Fairey, R., C. Roberts, M. Jacobi, S. Lamerdin, R. Clark, J. Downing, E. Long, J. Hunt, B. S. Anderson, J. Newman, R. Tjeerdema, M. Stephenson and C. Wilson, 1998. An assessment of sediment toxicity and chemical concentrations in the San Diego Bay region. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 15701581. 69. Hankermeyer, C. R. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1998. Polyhydroxybutyrate: Plastic made and degraded by microorganisms. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 159, 124 (invited). 70. Newman, J. W., J. S. Becker, G. J. Blondina and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1998. Quantitation of Aroclors using congener-specific results. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 17, 21592167. 71. Singer, M. M. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1998. Dispersed Oil and Dispersant Fate and Effects Research: California Program Results for 19951996. Marine Spill Response Corporation, Research and Development Program, Technical Report Series, Washington, DC. 72. Singer, M. M., S. Jacobson, M. Hodgins, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1999. Acute toxicological consequences of oil dispersal to marine organisms. In: 1999 International Oil Spill Conference. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 13. 73. Tjeerdema, R. S., M. M. Singer, M. F. Wolfe, G. J. Blondina and M. L. Sowby, 1999. Deriving fate and effects information to assess petroleum risk. In: Dispersant Application in Alaska (K. Trudel, ed.), Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute, Cordova, AK, pp. 249258 (invited). 74. Wheelock, C. E., M. F. Wolfe, H. E. Olsen and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1998. Characterization of HSP 60 in the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, exposed to multiple environmental contaminants. Mar. Environ. Res. 46, 453456. 75. Wheelock, C. E., M. F. Wolfe, H. E. Olsen and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1999. Induction of HSP 60 in Brachionus plicatilis exposed to dispersed and undispersed crude oil preparations at two salinities. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 36, 281287. 76. Wolfe, M. F., J. A. Schlosser, G. J. B. Schwartz, S. Singaram, E. E. Mielbrecht, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1998. Influence of dispersants on the bioavailability and trophic transfer of petroleum hydrocarbons to primary levels of a marine food chain. Aquat. Toxicol. 42, 211227. 77. Wolfe, M. F., H. E. Olsen, K. A. Gasuad and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1999. Induced tolerance in Isochrysis galbana exposed to sublethal preparations of dispersant and Prudhoe Bay crude oil. Mar. Environ. Res. 47, 473489. 78. Wolfe, M. F., G. J. B. Schwartz, S. Singaram, E. E. Mielbrecht, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1998. Effects of salinity and temperature on the bioavailability of dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons to the golden brown algae, Isochrysis galbana. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 35, 268273. 79. Wolfe, M. F., G. J. B. Schwartz, S. Singaram, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1998. Influence of dispersants on the bioavailability of petroleum hydrocarbons to golden brown algae, Isochrysis galbana. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 35, 274280. 80. Blondina, G. J., M. M. Singer, I. Lee, M. T. Ouano, M. Hodgins, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1999. Influence of water salinity on petroleum accommodation by surfactant-based dispersants. Spill Sci. Technol. Bull. 5, 127134. 81. Hunt, J. W., B. S. Anderson, B. M. Phillips, R. S. Tjeerdema, H. M. Puckett and V. deVlaming, 1999. Patterns of aquatic toxicity in an agriculturally dominated coastal watershed in California. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 75, 7591. 82. Lefebvre, K. A., C. L. Powell, G. J. Doucette, J. B. Silver, P. E. Miller, M. P. Hughes, S. Singaram, M. W. Silver and R. S. Tjeerdema, 1999. Detection of domoic acid in northern anchovies and California sea lions associated with an unusual mortality event. Nat. Toxins. 2(3), 17. 83. Wolfe, M. F., G. J. B. Schwartz, S. Singaram, E. E. Mielbrecht, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 1999. Influence of dispersants on the bioavailability and trophic transfer of phenanthrene to algae and rotifers. Aquat. Toxicol. 48, 1324. 84. Anderson, B. S., J. W. Hunt, B. M. Phillips, M. Stoelting, J. Becker, R. Fairey, H. M. Puckett, M. Stephenson, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. Martin, 2000. Ecotoxicological change at a remediated superfund site in San Francisco Bay. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 19, 879887. 85. Larkin, D. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2000. Fate and effects of diazinon. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 166, 4982 (invited). 86. Martello, L. B., C. Friedman and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2000. Combined effects of pentachlorophenol and salinity stress on phagocytic and chemotactic function in two species of abalone. Aquat. Toxicol. 49, 213225. 87. Singer, M. M., D. Aurand, G. E. Bragin, J. R. Clark, G. M. Coehlo, M. L. Sowby and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2000. Standardization of preparation and quantitation of water-accomodated fractions of oil and their use in aquatic toxicity testing. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 40, 10071016. 88. Stoelting, M. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2000. In vitro glutathione-dependent biotransformation of chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene in arterial and venous blood of the striped bass, Morone saxatilis. Aquat. Toxicol. 50, 177187.
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Tjeerdema Aquatic Toxicology AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Lab UC Davis |