In order of publication:








89. Martello, L. B. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2001. Combined effects of pentachlorophenol and salinity stress on chemiluminescence activity in two species of abalone. Aquat. Toxicol. 51, 351–362.

90. Anderson, B. S., J. W. Hunt, B. M. Phillips, R. Fairey, C. A. Roberts, J. M. Oakden, H. M. Puckett, M. Stephenson, R. S. Tjeerdema, 2001. Sediment quality in Los Angeles Harbor: A triad assessment. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 359–370.

91. Anderson, B. S., J. W. Hunt, B. M. Phillips, R. Fairey, H. M. Puckett, M. Stephenson, K. Taberski, J. W. Newman and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2001. Influence of sample manipulation on contaminant flux and toxicity at the sediment-water interface. Mar. Environ. Res. 51, 191–211.

92. Hunt, J. W., B. S. Anderson, B. M. Phillips, J. Newman, R. S. Tjeerdema, R. Fairey, H. M. Puckett, M. Stephenson, R. W. Smith, C. J. Wilson and K. M. Taberski, 2001. Evaluation and use of sediment toxicity reference sites for statistical comparisons in regional assessments. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 1266–1275.

93. Hunt, J. W., B.S. Anderson, B. M. Phillips, R. S. Tjeerdema, K. M. Taberski, C. J. Wilson, H. M. Puckett, M. Stephenson, R. Fairey and J. Oakden, 2001. A large-scale categorization of sites in San Francisco Bay based on the sediment quality triad, toxicity identification evaluations, and gradient studies. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 1252–1265.

94. Wolfe, M. F., G. J. B. Schwartz, S. Singaram, E. E. Mielbrecht, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 2001. Influence of dispersants on the bioavailability and trophic transfer of petroleum hydrocarbons to larval topsmelt (Atherinops affinis). Aquat. Toxicol. 52, 49–60.

95. Singer, M. M., S. Jacobson, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Sowby, 2001. Acute effects of fresh versus weathered oil to marine organisms: California findings. In: 2001 International Oil Spill Conference. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 1263–1268.

96. Singer, M. M., D. Aurand, G. Coelho, G. E. Bragin, J. R. Clark, S. Jacobson, M. L. Sowby and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2001. Making, measuring, and using water-accomodated fractions of petroleum for toxicity testing. In: 2001 International Oil Spill Conference. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 1269–1274.

97. Phillips, B. N., J. W. Hunt, B. S. Anderson, H. M. Puckett, R. Fairey, C. J. Wilson and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2001. Statistical significance of sediment toxicity test results: Threshold values derived by the detectable significance approach. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20, 371–373.

98. Viant, M. R., J. H. Walton, and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2001. Comparative toxic actions of 3-trifluoro-4-nitrophenol (TFM) in marine mollsucs as characterized by in vivo 31P-NMR. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 71, 40–47.

99. Viant, M. R., J. H. Walton, P. L. TenBrook and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2002. Sublethal actions of copper in abalone (Haliotis rufescens) as characterized by in vivo 31P-NMR. Aquat. Toxicol. 57, 139–151.

100. Viant, M. R., C. A. Pincetich, J. H. Walton, R. S. Tjeerdema and D. E. Hinton, 2002. Utilizing in vivo NMR to study sublethal stress in aquatic organisms. Mar. Environ. Res. 54, 553–557.

101. Adelsbach, T. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2002. Chemistry and fate of fenvalerate and esfenvalerate. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 176, 137–154 (invited).

102. Anderson, B. S., V. deVlaming, K., Larsen, L., Deanovic, S. Birosik, D. J., Smith, J. W., Hunt and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2002. Causes of toxicity in the Calleguas Creek Watershed of Southern California. Environ. Monitor. Assess. 78, 131–151.

103. Viant, M. R., E. S. Rosenblum and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2001. An optimized method for the determination of phosphoarginine in abalone tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. B 765, 107–111.

104. Lefebvre, K. A., M. W. Silver, S. Coale and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2002. Domoic acid in planktivorous fish in relation to toxic Pseudo-nitschia cell densities. Mar. Biol. 140, 625–631.

105. Shofer, S. L. and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2002. Sublethal actions of pentachlorophenol in abalone (Haliotis rufescens) veliger larvae as measured by 31P NMR. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 51, 155–160.

106. Wheelock, C. E., T. Baumgartner, J. W. Newman, M. F. Wolfe and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2002. Effect of nutritional state upon HSP60 levels in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis following toxicant exposure. Aquat. Toxicol. 61, 89–93.

107. Davis, J. A., M. D. May, B. K. Greenfield, R. Fairey, C. Roberts, G. Ichikawa, M. Stoelting, J. Becker and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2002. Contaminant concentrations in sport fish from San Francisco Bay. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 44, 1115–1127.

108. Hunt, J. W., B. S. Anderson, B. M. Phillips, P. A. Nicely, R. S. Tjeerdema, H. M. Puckett, K. Worcester and V. deVlaming, 2003. Ambient toxicity due to chlorpyrifos and diazinon in a central California watershed. Environ. Monitor. Assess. 82, 83–112.

109. Hunt, J. W., B. S. Anderson, B. M. Phillips, R. S. Tjeerdema, H. M. Puckett, M. Stephenson, D. W. Tucker and D. W. Watson, 2002. Acute and chronic toxicity of nickel to marine organisms: Implications for water quality criteria. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 21, 2423–2430.

110. Phillips, B. M., P. A. Nicely, J. W. Hunt, B. S. Anderson, R. S. Tjeerdema, S. E. Palmer, F. H. Palmer and H. M. Puckett, 2003. Toxicity of cadmium-copper-nickel-zinc mixtures to larval purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) and bay mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 70, 592–599.

111. TenBrook, P. L., S. M. Kendall and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2003. Toxicokinetics and biotransformation of p-nitrophenol in the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens). Aquat. Toxicol. 62, 329–336.

112. Anderson, B. S., J. W. Hunt, B. M. Phillips, P. A. Nicely, V. deVlaming, V. Connor, N. Richard and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2003. Integrated assessment of the impacts of agricultural drainwater in the Salinas River (California, USA). Environ. Pollut. 124, 523–532.

113. Anderson, B. S., J. W. Hunt, B. M. Phillips, P. A. Nicely, K. D. Gilbert, V. deVlaming, V. Connor, N. Richard and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2003. Ecotoxicologic impacts of agriculture drainwater in the Salinas River (California, USA). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22, 2375–2384.

114. Neale, J. C. C., J. A. Van de Water, J. T. Harvey, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. E. Gershwin, 2002. Proliferative responses of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) T lymphocytes to model marine pollutants. Clin. Develop. Immunol. 9, 215–221.

115. Phillips, B. M., B. S. Anderson, J. W. Hunt, B. Thompson, S. Lowe, R. Hoenicke and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2003. Causes of sediment toxicity to Mytilus galloprovincialis in San Francisco Bay, California. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 45, 486–491.

116. Viant, M. R., E. R. Rosenblum and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2003. NMR-based metabolomics: A powerful tool for characterizing the effects of environmental stressors on organism health. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 4982–4989.

117. Viant, M. R., I. Werner, E. R. Rosenblum, A. S. Gantner, R. S. Tjeerdema and M. L. Johnson, 2004. Correlation between heat-shock protein induction and reduced metabolic condition in juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) chronically exposed to elevated temperature. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 29, 159–171.

118. Anderson, B. S., J. W. Hunt, B. M. Phillips, P. A. Nicely, M. Martin and R. S Tjeerdema, 2004. Comparison of in situ and laboratory toxicity tests with the estuarine amphipod Eohaustorius estuarius. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 46, 5260.

119. Palumbo, A. J., P. L. TenBrook, A. Phipps and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2004. Comparative toxicity of thiobencarb and deschlorothiobencarb to rice (Oryza sativa). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 73, 213–218.

120. Phillips, B. M., B. S. Anderson, J. W. Hunt, P. A. Nicely, R. Kosaka, R. S. Tjeerdema, V. deVlaming and N. Richard, 2004. In situ water and sediment toxicity in an agricultural watershed. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23, 435–442.

121. TenBrook, P. L., M. R. Viant, D. Holstege, J. F. Williams and R. S. Tjeerdema, 2004. Characterization of California rice field soils susceptible to delayed phytotoxicty syndrome. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 73, 448–456.



Tjeerdema Aquatic Toxicology AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Lab

UC Davis